An authority, agency, or department with responsibility for law enforcement, public safety, security, or intelligence* is eligible for admission.
Upon submission, a letter of invitation will be offered. The Organization donor admission fee will be sent via an invoice through the SRMX Portal - Security Resource Member Xchange. Requirements are as follows:
Be a legally constituted government, authority, or regulated authority for law enforcement security or intelligence responsible for aviation, maritime, transport, or border sector. Members are asked to contribute a donor fee to support the organization's efforts. However, observer status may be granted for agencies that cannot fulfill the donation.
General: Authority Agency - $2,850: Policing, Public Safety, and intelligence responsibilities – -AVSEC/MARSEC – participate in after-action and security discussions, supporting efforts and projects with United Nations Agencies and AGM Privileges.
See Say Act security and public affairs programme.
Securiity environment police and security tactics
Staff and public eyes and ears education programme
Human and Animal and public affairs programme.
Port Security Best Practice Guide. – Based on known evidence-based principles, this guide provides lessons learned about security environment practices for mass people and critical infrastructure requires protection. Then, when a situation moves from operational to a crisis, it's imperative the situation needs to be well-trained and have procedures in place that are controlled and managed in a manner that is beneficial to public safety and expediency of bringing an incident under control. Self-auditing and on-site auditing certification.
PSeMS - Port Security Management System A practice guide supporting a proactive approach for assessing and managing holistic security risks. It's designed for senior leadership teams and security managers.
International Council on Security & Reliance - ICSR intergovemental committees: (Being formed)
ICSR – Policy & Practices
ICSR - Risk and Resilience
ICSR – Technology & Innovation
ICSR – Capacity Development
ICSR – After Action Reviews
ICSR – Supply Chain Security
Associate General: Regulated Authority - $2.450: Port Authority security and/or public safety related to aviation, maritime, transport, or border that is a private organization regulated or contracted by a government authority—appropriate training and certification programmes and seminars.
Sponsoring security organization - $1950: aviation, maritime, or transport (includes border/transit).
After you submit it, a draft admission letter will be forwarded to the authority. A list of senior personnel will be requested. Invitations to the SRMX Document Portal will be sent.
A law enforcement or security government agency from a developing nation may apply to have some or all of its donor funding requirements reduced.
About our Funding Requirements – The requirements to work globally and assist member countries and authorities from traditional resources go well beyond our police and security revenue budgets. Therefore, voluntary funding from governments and security organizations, non-governmental organizations, and private entities through programmes, projects, grants, and other contributions becomes essential and recommended. We appreciate your appropriate inquiries. Project agreement inquiries accepted.
Consultative Authority: A qualified authority, educational association, or institution whose mission includes efforts related to aviation, maritime, transport, or border; public safety and security that wishes to contribute to and support the activities of the Organization through various contributions, including academics, research, and expertise other approved activities relating to policing, public safety, and security may apply, Donor fee: $950
Supporting: A commercial company with security interests related to aviation, maritime, transport, or border issues, including critical public infrastructure, would like to keep abreast of information and be included in identified general programs. Includes a listing in the Policing and Security product and services directory. Organization donor fee: $1,875.
*Admission status category may be reflected in how the organization is constituted.
Thank you!