INTERPORTPOLICE was established in 1968 as a specialized security organization by police authorities from Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States to support efforts in addressing counterterrorism and serious transnational crime. Today, we work with port police and security authorities globally and other organizations such as the United Nations and NATO agencies.
Our primary efforts integrate at the intergovernmental level to provide technical assistance for challenges facing law enforcement, public safety, and security, addressing the challenges of counterterrorism and security to those constituted as government authorities. We also identify, define, and share best practices and serve as a collaborative information source and clearing to improve public safety in the transportation and supply chain sector. Our cooperation extends to other agencies, partners, and companies, as security requires a complete ring of cooperation to be effective.
Our Mission
Service and History
Our security service interagency organization was started over 55 years ago by global authorities to address serious transnational crime. The essential aspect of our mission is the collaboration of law enforcement and security, working as a team to address public safety, the protection of critical infrastructure, and ensuring safe transportation, supply chain, and borders.
As a global team, we are more effective and resilient as a global force.

Our emblem and shield were updated for the first time in 2011 since 1972. Added are 37 stars representing our fallen colleagues from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department on September 11, 2001. These stars are a continuous reminder never to forget our fallen officers and officials and to those who follow in their path, working every day to fight terrorism and serious transnational crime. Fred V. Morrone, Superintendent of Police and Director of Public Safety of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police, was the INTERPORTPOLICE's executive vice president and incoming Board President.

Our bottom line is addressing the threats
Practices - Tactics - Management Systems - Training - Evaluations
Best Practice Preview Guide
Integrity, Collaboration, & Recognition