We learn together
After the 2013 Los Angeles shooting incident, we began working together, focusing on two significant issues identified by our Chief at the Los Angeles Airport and Seaports:
1. What happened, what could we have done differently
2. Challenges of communications/collaboration; and
3. What did we learn? How can we be better prepared?
With that, we began an intensive plan to find successful solutions to both these issues. The outcome is our Community Security Best Practises.
Incident Reviews
Working together, we have reviewed major incidents and have learned the good, the bad, and the ugly to find security solutions, increase collaboration, refine communication, avoid mistakes, and build resilience.
Over five years, we continued to meet in forums or actively go on-site to evaluate the scenarios. It always involved those who were directly involved. Because of COVID, these forums were suspended. We, however, look to begin this process again in the coming year and not only review additional incidents but revisit the outcome of the review, our Community Security Best Practise Guide.

Global after action security forum, the last before COVID. Held in New York City at NYU.
Our authority sponsor - Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police.