INTERPORTPOLICE specializes in offering some of the most comprehensive security education, evaluations, resources, and training programmes for authority law enforcement and security member teams worldwide.
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Instructor led classroom-based, two courses

Best Practises - Ports, Terminals, and Maritimes: Security Threats and Challenges

We serve our member authorities. Our priority is to prioritize preventative security as a method of avoiding incidents through operational tactics, stakeholder collaboration, and the effective use of the eyes and ears of the community. This is all part of strategies that incorporate intelligence and evidence based guidance to help provide sustainable solutions. Learn more about how we assist our member authorities.
We work to connect the police and security forces who play a critical role in mass people environments. We prioritize preventative security as a method of avoiding incidents through tactics that promote the eyes and ears of the community and strategies that incorporate intelligence and evidence-based guidance to help provide sustainable solutions.
Practise Guide and Self Gap Analysis is provided at no cost to member authorities. Other authorized authorities $795

Reviews and Studies
Port Security Managment Systems - PSeMS
Three courses from one-day foundation to 4 day led classroom
See Say Act
Two Courses from one-day introduction to three-day instructor-led.
Organizational Culture and Workforce Motivation
Two Courses
Organisaltional Security review and audit
One Course
CCTV Control Room Operators Course
Three courses from one-day foundation to 4 day led classroom
Fundamentals of Behaviours Assessment
Two Courses from one-day introduction to three-day instructor-led.
Management of Active Shooter
One Course - Two days
Assessing and improving Workforce culture and motivation
Two classroom based courses
Cyber Community Essentials
Two courses, one half day introduction and one two-day classroom
INTERPORTPOLICE (C) 2024 A Security Service Organization - Police, Security, Public Safety
Port authority security services worldwide for Over 50 years
Ready to take your authority's security skills to new heights?
Questions - Contact Us
Security Awareness
Secretary's Office